You Have the Power to Crush Any Goal: Achieve Your Goals in 3 Easy Steps

It's April and the first quarter of the year has come and gone. How have you done on those goals you set at the beginning of the year? Have you followed through on your New Year's Resolution? Or have you #failed at your #NewYearNewMe? No worries!

You’re not the only one. Studies show that many people give up on their New Year’s goals within three weeks and don’t pick them back up again until the spring. So you’re right on schedule, sister. Today is your Stop Loss. Take today to reset and get yourself ready for tomorrow when you're going to start over. You won't be no April Fool this time!

Here are my three simple steps to crush any goal:

1. Get Organized

This is often the hardest step but it's critical. If you’re going to make shit happen, you gotta know how to make shit happen! The first step to crushing any goal or overcoming any challenge is getting organized.


Write down your goals

What is the actual goal you want to achieve? Create a list. Form a strategy. Make a plan. If you're a chart person, make a chart. Map it out. You’re more likely to achieve a goal that is written down and visible every day.

Do your research.

Gather all the information you need to accomplish the goal. Arm yourself with tools and resources to kick that goal’s ass! If that means asking for help or getting an accountability buddy, then do it!

Get informed. Get your shit together. Do a brain dump! Put all of those thoughts and dreams swirling around your brain onto paper. It’s easier to organize your thoughts and flesh out a dream when it’s in black and white.

Big Goals, Small Steps

Organize your plan into tiny action steps and go!! Slice that big goal into tiny little slivers so it’s more manageable. What are the tiniest movements you can make to gan momentum each day? Once you’re organized, the goal or challenge ahead won’t seem as overwhelming.

2. Get Creative


Stay connected to the goal by making it enjoyable and personal. Let your creative side take over. So many of us get stuck in the planning phase or dive right into our goals after we get organized and we forget to make it fun!

Make your goal fun!

Think as if there is no box! Look back at ways you've tried before and brainstorm alternatives; think like a kid! The second critical step in crushing any goal is to GET CREATIVE!!

Make your to-do list pretty; make it fun, make it exciting so you keep the momentum when your drive dips because it will. Find small ways to reward your effort along the way.

Find Your Why

Connect emotionally to your "why" and draw pictures of what it looks like to achieve your goal. Create a vision board. Make a photo collage on your phone that represents your goal.

If you're struggling with a challenge, try chunking it into little challenges for yourself. Make a game of it. Don't be afraid to be silly. Adding a dose of playfulness helps keep our motivation high for goals even when we lose connection to them.

Life doesn’t have to be serious all the time; relish in the fact that you are taking on a new goal, pushing yourself through a new challenge and becoming a champion in your own life. Let that freak flag fly, girl and get creative!

3. Get Social

You’re more likely to accomplish a goal when you get others involved. The third critical step to crushing any goal is to “Get Social!” Ask for help; seek advice from those who have the results you want. This can be friends, family, colleagues, a mentor.

Use Social Media to Achieve Goals

Use social media for its intended purpose - being social. Join groups that pertain to your goal and connect with others going through the same challenges.

Find an Accountability Buddy


Get others involved! Do your tasks in a social setting or with a group. Take a class or find a meetup for others with a similar or the same goal. Surround yourself with other goal-oriented people and this will add an element of accountability as well as keep you motivated! Get out in the world, girl and GET SOCIAL!!

These three steps are equally important to each other- none above another - and they each resonate with people in different ways. Some people are more task-oriented and for some, organization is a four-letter word. Many people thrive on creativity while others bomb terribly.

Walk the Walk

ALOT of us keep our goals to ourselves and never ask for help. Others talk the talk all day and never actually take a step towards achievement. Using all three steps in combination appeals to all sides of our personality and creates a well-rounded approach to any goal.

The beautiful thing is that these steps can also be used to solve any problem we encounter in life - big and small. So, take today to reframe your goal using these three steps and hit April hard and crush that goal! Get Organized! Get Creative! Get Social! Crush that goal!

Want More?

If you want to hear more about my goal-setting methods and mindful success strategies, watch the VIDEO: Goal Crush 123.

If you’re looking for support to achieve your goals, join the Truthatude Tribe and get the monthly newsletter filled with events, motivation, inspiration, and positive tips to discover your Truthatude to live your best life!