The Secret Cure to First Date Nerves: The Only Question You Need to Answer

First dates do NOT have to be scary or stressful! They can be exciting and low-key. Stop caring whether or not they are going to like you or be “the one.”

Is he the one?


To reduce the pressure, you feel on whether or not they like you or you like them, make your only mission at the end of the date to answer this single question: If this person asks me on another date, would I say “yes?” That’s it. That’s the only thing you need to determine on a first date.

You don’t need to know their whole life plan and if that jives with yours. That’s what creates the incredible weight of pressure people feel on a first date. When we build pressure, we get nervous and when we get nervous, we don’t have as much fun.

People are fascinating creatures and you should have fun getting to know as many of them as possible.

We go in with a fact-finding mission to determine if this is “the one” and inevitably we are so focused on our information gathering, that we forget to have a good time. Part of the fun of dating is just getting to know another human and learning their story.

Does He Check All My Boxes?

When you go into a date laser-focused on finding “a match” you miss out on a lot of the juicy nuances of the person you’re with. Instead of using your time on the date to check off your list of requirements and non-negotiables, sit back and listen. Engage in the conversation. Share your story with them.


The only question that matters…

And at the end of the night evaluate one thing only – did you enjoy yourself with this person enough to want to see them again? If they asked you out on another date, would you say “yes”?

If you liked this, watch the Truthatude TV Episode “The Secret Cure for First Date Nerves”

Want more dating tips?

Check out Truthatude TV Episode “How to Set Yourself Up for the Perfect Date”